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Latest Opinion: Tanker Shipping
05 Apr 24: As tanker prices hit record highs, we assess how sustainable the current market euphoria might be...
Freight Loop Briefing Apr-24
26 Mar 24: Featuring key indicators from Container Capacity Insight, this month we provide an outlook briefing for the Asia-Europe trade.
Further Enhancements...
We’ve now added global container capacity, cancelled sailings, dwell time and emissions insights to our all-new ocean cost benchmarking platform.
Drewry AIS Analytics
09 Apr 24: This week we provide FREE AIS fleet performance metrics for Dry Bulk, Crude and Product tanker vessel segments.
Options for change...
07 Mar 24: What regulatory framework will incentive the transition to greener fuel? We assess the merits of the options under consideration.
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Maritime Research

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Maritime Advisors

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Combining in-depth sector understanding and specialist expertise to provide actionable advice that delivers a commercial edge.
Supply Chain Advisors

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Cutting edge technology, freight rate intelligence and tailored advice to support shippers through the ocean freight procurement process.
Maritime Financial Research

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Our investment and financial research team is staffed by industry specialists, providing a financial and investment research service on listed companies in the maritime and shipping industry.

Latest Market Opinion

Ports & Terminals Financial Insight - April 2024

Ports & Terminals Financial Insight - April 2024

Slowing increase of insurance costs a relief for vessel operators – uncertainty of war risk

Slowing increase of insurance costs a relief for vessel operators – uncertainty of war risk

AIS Analytics Week 15 2024: Latest Fleet Performance Indicators

AIS Analytics Week 15 2024: Latest Fleet Performance Indicators

Tanker prices hit record highs, but sustainability in question

Tanker prices hit record highs, but sustainability in question

Drewry Research: 50 years charting the world's maritime markets

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  • All the main shipping sectors

From dry bulk to chemical, LNG to containers - we cover every shipping sector.


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A unique combination of market-leading resources with in-depth sector understanding.


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Objective and rigorous analysis have cemented our reputation as a trusted advisor.

Solutions for Shippers/BCOs

Ocean spot market freight rates: 790 port pairs

Ocean spot market freight rates: 790 port pairs

Benchmarking Club: Contract and spot rate benchmarks

Benchmarking Club: Contract and spot rate benchmarks

Weekly container capacity and operational metrics

Weekly container capacity and operational metrics

Customisable ocean freight bid support

Customisable ocean freight bid support

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